Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 25th, Soup & Salad & Pie!


We got a huge amount of butternut squash in our farm share so I boiled them up and put them in the food processor. There were also shallots, garlic, onion, shoyu, Braggs (of course), carrots and flax seeds.
I really wanted a giant salad so I spent the larger portion of the budget on greens, spinach, beets, corn, strawberries and pine nuts. I made a vinegarette out of mustard, balsamic vinegar, garlic, nutritional yeast, oil and salt and pepper.

Ashley brought home 20+ lbs of peaches
So I made a cobbler! I added some rosewater and it was a nice touch.

1 comment:

Shannon Raley said...

have I shown you yet? yum! yours looks better!